The Ultimate Survival Guide

Emergency Kit: Items that could save your life during a Natural Disaster

Putting together an emergency kit is one of the best things that a person can do to protect themselves and property. A basic at home emergency kit should contain supplies for each person in your household to last a minimum of three day.

Store the emergency supplies in an easily accessible area inside your main house. It is best for the container to be constructed of plastic, such as a clearly marked clean trash can or storage container, so if an evacuation is issued it is easily transported.

Basic Emergency Supplies

Emergency Personal and Medical Supplies

Household and Evacuation Supplies

Hurricane Kit Additions

In a hurricane prone area, the emergency kit for humans remains the same but there are additional items needed for securing a home.Check the emergency kit at the beginning of each hurricane season.

These items should be checked at the beginning of each hurricane season.

Put earthquake preparedness kits with basic disaster supplies in the home, office, school, and car. Kits contain food, water, and sanitation equipment for 72 hours.

Putting together emergency supplies will not take long, but when used as part of a disaster plan can help save lives.