The Ultimate Survival Guide

Emergency and Earthquake Survival Preparedness

Create a Family Disaster Plan for First 72 Hours After a Catastrophe

In light of the recent devastating earthquakes worldwide, and the alarming tsunami warnings, one is certainly reminded of the need to have an emergency and earthquake survival preparedness kit for the home and work place.

With a little planning, a family can prepare themselves for the unthinkable disaster while preserving peace of mind that their basic needs will be met in times of disaster. The home disaster kit will serve families in times of earthquakes, power outages, storms, home evacuations and other natural disasters.

Create a Family Communication Plan

A family communication plan is designed to ensure that all family members are able to get in contact with each other. Make sure that children know their first and last names, their addresses and phone numbers, and parents email addresses.

If children are too young to communicate, it’s a good idea to have identification tags attached to backpacks, lunchboxes, or other personal belongings that identifies the child and gives parent contact information. I.D. bracelets are a good idea for small children who are unable to communicate their parents’ contact information.

In case of disasters, families should designate an out of town relative to be their contact person. This person would serve as the person family members would call if they are not able to get in touch with members of their immediate household. All family members should know this person’s phone number, address, and email address.

It’s also important that all family members know the contact phone numbers for each person in their family for home, work, and school. Emergency contact information should be given to the children’s school and daycare. If phone lines are busy, family members need to be reminded to try again later as phone lines tend to get flooded during an emergency.

Assemble an Emergency and Earthquake Survival kit

According to the American Red Cross, prior to putting together an emergency kit, a family should know what types of natural disasters are likely to occur in their geographical region. They should also have a family disaster plan and have practiced it, and have an emergency survival kit. Additionally, at least one family member should be proficient in CPR/AED.

Emergency kits for urban survival may be purchased directly from the American Red Cross, or emergency kits can be put together piece by piece to serve a family’s needs. The easiest way to get started is to get a large duffel bag or plastic tub, and fill it with the basic emergency supplies. Home emergency survival supplies needed during a disaster include:

Home Evacuation 72 Hour Emergency Supplies

When disaster strikes, one may find himself in a frenzy trying to accumulate all of the needed supplies to evacuate a home or to “shelter in place.” Home Evacuation 72 Hour Emergency Supplies include:

Furthermore, it’s a good idea to store copies of important documents in a safe location such as a safe deposit box or with a trusted family member out of town. The American Red Cross suggests that copies of important documents include birth certificates, marriage certificates, home owner insurance documents, life insurance documents with beneficiary information, and copies of one’s will.

Emergency & Earthquake Safety Checklist

Natural disasters can strike anywhere, and are almost always unexpected. One thing is for sure, there will be more earthquakes, floods, storms, and other rumblings from “mother nature.” It’s extremely important for families to take the necessary steps to protect themselves and to be ready for such occurrences by reviewing the American Red Cross’s Earthquake Safety Checklist.

Putting a family emergency and earthquake survival plan together will certainly help calm down frantic children and parents as all family members jump into action armed with all of the practice and preparedness that they have put into place.